Trusted seller since 2007.  Big Town Tickets has No Hidden Service Fees. Sellers may list tickets above or below face value.

Shop Worry Free

When buying tickets from Big Town Tickets you will note that once your order is accepted it is then covered by our Big Town Tickets Guarantee.

In order to help you as a consumer make the most educated purchase decision and not get scammed, we would like to offer the following advice when working with a Ticket Broker or other secondary ticket site.

  1. Always research your seller and ensure that they have a positive rating with the Better Business Bureau
  1. A legitimate ticket broker will have a clear refund policy for canceled events so you are not left up a creek if an event canceled.
  1. Always use a Credit Card for purchase so you have recourse if the tickets are fraudulent. Avoid any person who asks for wire transfer, moneygram or Western Union payment for tickets.
  1. Check your seats ahead of time. Ask for section, row and seat number to avoid obstructed views and purchasing tickets that do not exist.
  1. Stick with sellers that offer a buyer guarantee and have policies in place to protect buyers have the ability to investigate and restrict accounts of merchants who violate the policies.
  1. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Refuse to be rushed. Scam artists often try to hurry prospective buyers into making a decision.

He is a list of articles we have compiled for you to also learn about smart buying practices.

  • natb
  • bbb
  • yelp
  • Customer Reviews
  • Fedex Tracking
  • PayPal
  • All Major Credit Cards Accepted